Freaking Sweet Jars was conceptualized by Jaheel and Renate Garrett who have been married for over ten years. Their love for baking and creating treats came to fruition when the couple decided to place their favorite recipes in a jar for feasting.
Together they combined their own recipes, the secret recipes of both party’s grandparents and other special ingredients for sweet potato pie, banana pudding and other mouthwatering desserts that America has come to enjoy and placed the indelible deserts in a jar.
Their tagline and motto that is memorable to the mind are “Pieces of Heaven in a Jar”.
Their vision and goal are to hopefully; for a single moment in time, take all of someone's worries away when enjoying a freaking sweet jar product. Impeccable service, quality, and satisfaction is their highest priority.
Freaking Sweet Jars was established in 2014 and plans on being around for freaking ever! Enjoy a Freaking Sweet Jar!.