Dr. Joel Bratton, Jr.

Dr. Joel Bratton Jr. is a Family and Community Engagement Specialist for Baltimore City Public Schools. Joel’s research focuses on Urban Education and the Achievement Gap. African American Male student success in K-20 and achievement gap in the community college. Particularly (e.g., SEL, social-emotional learning, psychological, academic, environmental and institutional). Dr. Bratton is the Founder and CEO of Projecthope Educational Consultants LLC; which provides educational services to school district and nonprofits throughout the country.
Dr. Bratton “believes every student can learn with the proper resources and family support.” Along with Dr. Bratton dissertation “The Academic Success of African Males at a Maryland Community College.” Published article in the Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Program (JUMP) a peer review journal. Authored a book chapter in GUMBO for the Soul. Dr. Bratton has delivered several scholarly professional and conference presentations.
He earned his Doctor of Education degree in Community College leadership from Morgan State University, Master of Science in Human Service Administration from Coppin University, with a concentration in Family and Children counseling and his Bachelor of Art from West Virginia State University. He is a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and board member with Black Girls Dive, with a STEM focus.