Dr. Marco Clark

Dr. Marco Clark is a well-respected educator, innovator, author, public speaker, and veteran in the world of urban education. Dr. Clark currently serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Richard Wright Public Charter School for Journalism and Media Arts in Washington, D.C. In addition to his work as Founder and CEO, he is Chairman of “Man the Block,” an organization focused on providing safe passage for students to and from school.
Dr. Clark serves on the Board of Trustees for the DC Area Writing Project and is Co-Founder of the Chicago-based student leadership program, “PEACE Through Urban Exchange,” an organization dedicated to building tomorrow’s leaders through education. Dr. Clark continues to be an advocate for various youth groups, civic organizations, and other nonprofit organizations focused on restoring trust in public school education.
At age 10, Dr. Clark became a spelling bee champion. Ironically by age 11, a guidance counselor labeled Dr. Clark as a functional illiterate. This label disrupted his educational journey for many years. However, it was that label that eventually sparked Dr. Clark’s fight against illiteracy and the need for student development and worldwide advocacy. Through the unwavering support of his parents, Dr. Clark was able to make it through high school and go on to Clark Atlanta University, where he met a professor, Dr. Johnny L. Wilson, who recognized his potential, believed in him, and helped him shape his educational path and platform for the years to come. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Secondary Education from Clark Atlanta University, Dr. Clark went on to earn a Master’s degree in Special Education from Coppin State University, a Master’s degree in Education Administration from Goucher College, and a Doctorate in Higher Education from Morgan State University.
By the age of 34, almost 25 years after being labeled as a functional illiterate, Dr. Clark emerged as a noted educator and scholar.
Dr. Clark strongly believes that illiteracy is the civil rights issue of today and the catastrophe of tomorrow if it is left uncorrected. Dr. Clark has been featured in JET magazine, The Huffington Post, and The New York Times discussing his battles with reading as a youth and his educational reform efforts to fight against world illiteracy and community issues throughout the country.
Many political figures and school system executive officials have acknowledged Dr. Clark’s ability to offer a fresh mix of traditional and contemporary approaches to motivating troubled youth and mobilizing communities. Historical icon, Congressman John Lewis (Democrat for the 8th District of Georgia) recognized Dr. Clark’s unique ability to identify with students and to spark their desire to achieve. Yvette Alexander, District of Columbia Former Council Member Ward 7, insists that, “Dr. Clark’s leadership is vital to the community.”
Dr. Clark received an invitation to The White House from the Office of The First Lady Michelle Obama to participate in the first-ever Careers in Film Symposium. Dr. Clark was also invited to the United States Capitol to join the Former Speaker of the House, Congressman John Boehner to kick off National Charter School Week. Dr. Clark has received numerous awards and appeared on hundreds of talk shows, as well as serving as keynote speakers in various venues across the country. Dr. Clark also serves as the Education Contributor for Patty Jackson’s Re-Wind Show on WDAS 105.3 FM, Philadelphia. Dr. Marco Clark is a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and a continued advocate for educational and social change. His motto is “You can’t beat a person who is determined to win.”