DebiJo Wheatley

DebiJo Wheatley was a nurse for almost 30 years before deciding to follow her other passion: interior design. With the support of her husband in 2008, she started out what she thought would be staging and redesign: using what you own and giving it new life. What ended up happening to Designs by Debijo, with the help of area contractors believing in her, was the design of high end kitchens and baths, as well as work in corporate settings, art installation, and assisting in new home build. Since nursing was never far from her heart, she has become an “aging in place” specialist, preferring to call it “Living in place at any age.” As a nurse, working in orthopedics and oncology, as well as a vascular access specialist her final 16 years, she saw the need to make a home functional as well aesthetically pleasing. Working with baby boomers, she gives advice on what could be potential necessities in a home, curbing the need to move out of necessity and rather move out of desire. Working in the Washington DC (DMV) area, her goal is to provide unique design while maintaining function necessary at any stage in life.
Always one to give back, she supports local charities such as Bite Me Cancer, Loudoun Hunger Relief, LAWS, Second Story and Smashing Walnuts. A past candidate for Woman of the Year 2014 with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, she was able to raise funds to have a grant named for her late husband, Howard, concentrating on research for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
DebiJo states “I have been fortunate in my life to have the support of my husband, family and friends in my endeavors, be it business or fundraising, and absolutely love what I do!”