Ti'Keya Lawrence

Ti’Keya is the mastermind behind Love M.E.E., LLC. The Brand’s mission is to motivate, educate, and empower women on self-love. Her brand pillars are self-awareness, inner peace, happiness, and good health. Ti'Keya is a dynamic self-love strategist, author, world traveler, and philanthropist specifically for women who are ready to live lives feeling abundantly fulfilled. Her goal is to have Women fill themselves up, keep themselves filled, and then pour from their abundance. Ti'Keya made a courageous decision at the end of 2016 to leave her job as a Paramedic after almost 18 years.
She loved being a Paramedic in one of the busiest cities in the country, but it had run its course in her life and she was destined to serve in other ways. She has a passion for giving not only support but also effective strategies to her followers, so they can live lives in abundance, realizing true fulfillment, and then pour into others’ lives from a full place. After working with Ti’Keya women walk away with clarity, rock-solid confidence, and a game plan for their next big steps. Ti’Keya is featured in 3 book anthologies and runs a blog “while they sip tea”.
You can find Ti’Keya on all social media platforms @tikeayempowers and by visiting her website www.lovemeellc.com.