Dr. Raquel Talley

Dr. Raquel Talley earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a concentration in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.
Raquel began her teaching career as a second-grade teacher in Richmond Public Schools. A few years later, she moved to Maryland and became a second and third-grade teacher and gifted and talented teacher for Montgomery County Public Schools. She then furthered her educational career in Prince George’s County where she is currently employed. She taught kindergarten, first, and fifth grades for the district. Raquel also became a model teacher for the district where teachers from various schools visited her classroom to watch how she delivered instruction through three group rotation. She later became a mentor teacher, reading resource teacher, talented and gifted coordinator, testing coordinator, technology coordinator, and assistant principal.
Raquel enhanced her studies receiving her certification in Educational Administration at Trinity Washington University. She also received her Administrator I and II certifications and Framework for Teaching certification.
Months after moving to the DMV area, she was afforded an opportunity to give a speech at the White House about how she used student loans to pay for her college education as an educator and she introduced President Bill Clinton, who was the current president at that time, preceding his speech on reducing student loans interest rates. This was such an honor for Raquel. She was selected out of 300 educators.
She is currently an Employee Effectiveness and Evaluation Specialist for Prince George’s County Public Schools where she is the lead on school-based administrators’ evaluation and central office evaluation. Raquel enjoys providing support and trainings to system employees in all aspects of the employee evaluation system and presenting at various educational conferences.
Dr. Talley further enhanced her studies receiving her Doctorate in Educational Administration/Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Howard University and she has also received her Superintendent certification. Raquel’s research was A Qualitative Study of Principals’ Experiences of the Principal Evaluation Process in a Major Urban District in the United States.
At a certain point in her life, she questioned whether or not she made the right decision in becoming an educator because it is a very demanding job. Raquel realized she was in the right profession because she has a passion for helping others and enjoys the delight on the faces of students, parents, and fellow educators who thank and commend her for caring about students.
For Dr. Raquel Talley, being an educator is rewarding and fulfilling. She often thinks about a comment President Bill Clinton made during his speech. He said, “We need more people like Raquel Talley.” This keeps a smile on her face and lets her know she made the right decision in being an educator.