Sharita M. Rouse

Sharita Rouse is the Creator of Tummy-Yumyum Gourmet Candy Apples, she is a 2012 graduate of Heritage Dental College in Longwood Colorado, Sharita has been in the Oral Surgery field since 2013. In the Summer of 2017, she stepped out in faith and started Tummy-Yumyum Gourmet Candy Apples. Sharita has 50 or more flavors of Gourmet Candy Apples if you can think it, she can make it. In November of 2017 Idea Buyer, a Fortune 500 Company that specializes in turning idea’s into businesses invested in Tummy-Yumyum and have created a sale sheet to send out to retailers across the U.S.
Tummy-Yumyum has been featured in Jirani Coffee House in Manassas Va, various festivals in Virginia and North Carolina and also, the Iheart Radio show Lord Put A Ring on it, hosted by Dr. Tikki Collins.
Reared in Asheboro, N.C. Sharita is married to Gregory Rouse, together they have 8 children and 11 grandchildren.