Keisha Lewis

Keisha Lewis hails from Sumter, SC and has resided in the DMV for the past 10 years. A magna cum laude graduate of Winston Salem State University, it was there in the spring of 2002 that she joined Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Gamma Phi Chapter. Currently, she serves as the Second Vice President of the Tri-County Maryland Alumnae Chapter.
Professionally, Keisha is a registered occupational therapist and a certified diabetes educator and also consults for the only national organization solely devoted to making minority aging services a national priority. Additionally, Lewis has earned a Master's Degree in Health Education and Promotion. Lewis provides skilled, well-rounded experiences that improve the overall physical and mental health status of her clients. Lewis has served as contributing author for a “Journey to Wellness” and “Beliefnet.com”, online health news magazines.
She is also the co-author of “How Aging Black America Lives”, a demographic report highlighting the challenges confronting African-American seniors.
Keisha has a passion for working with minority seniors, her family, and travel. She dreams of owning her own business focused on helping older adults and those with disabilities age in place.
She attributes her compassion and dedication to the area of the aging population from the nurturing love of her grandparents.