Larry Boyer

Larry Boyer, is both an International Coach Federation (ICF) certified coach and a Certified Business Economist®. He is an expert in digital transformation, financial risk and career management. He is the author of The Robot In the Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age, which brings together the information you need from economics, technology and personal develop so you can succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is the founder of Success Rockets LLC, devoted to helping people advance their careers by understanding the future economy and how they can find their place in it.
Larry is recognized for his expertise in economics, analytics and coaching arenas. Larry is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and is the co-leader of the ICF Coaching Science Community of Practice. He is an advisory board member for the Rutgers Big Data Program, TECH Pakistan and OPEN-BDA (a big data program in Pakistan). He’s worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Freddie Mac and IHS Markit helping business understand, manage and adapt to the future business environment. He founded Success Rockets during the financial crisis when many people turned to him for advice on what to do after their careers and personal finances were turned upside-down, sometimes even overnight. While it is only just starting, advances in multiple new technologies and business models will transform business, jobs and careers at an increasing rate, leading to disruptions like we saw during the financial crisis. Larry helps companies prepare their workforce and helps individuals get ready themselves.